Ceremony of laying foundation stone of Thermal power plant of “Selbe” sub-center was held
Capital Governor’s Office started implementing “Urban Services and Ger areas development investment program” by the soft loan of Asian Development Bank and European Investment Bank in connection with Ulaanbaatar city master plan implementation until 2020. It was decided to develop multi-centered city from one centered city and planned to have 6 sub-centers in Ulaanbaatar city by the purpose to provide sustainable development of capital territory within scope of the project and “Selbe” sub-center is one of the sub-centers. “Selbe” sub-center covers 158 hectare area in 13th and 14th khoroos of Sukhbaatar district and 14th, 18th khoroos of Chingeltei district and it was planned to construct thermal power plant and thermal pipes with 26.68 Mwt capacity that met international standards in the center and the partnership of “Khurd” LLC and “Shin shiang Gongshen Boiler” LLC of China was selected in international open tender.
Ceremony of laying foundation stone of the thermal power plant was organized on 01 November, 2017. Minister of Energy Ts.Davaasuren, Major of Capital City S.Batbold and other officials were attended in the ceremony. They appreciated citizens who released land where thermal power plant will be constructed for their great contributions to commence infrastructure work successfully. They expressed that there would be some difficulties for positive outcome of the project, If citizens’ participation is weak. Therefore, citizens should take part in the project actively in the further. As a result as of the construction of thermal power plant, 25,400 citizens of 6,000 households will have access to engineering pipelines. It is accounted for coal consumption of ger areas which generate approximately 80% of Ulaanbaatar city air pollution will be reduced by 15 thousand tons as a result of housing improvement of citizens of the sub-center. “Selbe” sub-center is located in the air flow of city center and reducing coal consumption of the area and improving air quality will have positive impacts on health of citizens who are living in the area and city center.