Within the framework of Ulaanbaatar urban services and Ger areas development investment program (GADIP), the team of the Consultancy services for institutional development and capacity building for subcenter development, is implementing particular activities for the definition and implementation of mechanisms for sustainable development of subcenters and capacity building of institutions. In addition, the consultant team is implementing a pilot project that can be a development model for ger areas.
Within the pilot project, construction project planning (CPP) of B1 block of Selbe subcenter, which covers 9.6-hectare area around Yargait 33 street area in 18th khoroo of Chingeltei district, is being developed by the Urban Planning and Research Institution (UPRI) LOE. On 11 November 2023, public consultation meetings were conducted to present planning concept of the CPP and obtain feedback from landowners and residents of the block. In total, 85 participants were introduced with the initial proposal of the CPP and provided their comments on the planning through their active participation.
Majority of the participants in the meetings expressed their willingness to participate in redevelopment projects whereas the previous study by the UPRI identified that 88.8% of residents and landowners of total 161 plots in B1 block were interested to participate in redevelopment projects. As a result of the meetings, aside from being provided by transparent information, the residents joined a Facebook group which facilitates easy information sharing and efficient and immediate discussion on the further plannings.